
We specified our goals

To achieve the goals of the Carpathiam project 5 objectives have been determined.

Each of these objectives is further defined below. Additionally, specifications have been developed to make the objectives measurable. The results of the Carpathiam project can be assessed with means of the specific targets through comparison alongside the progress of the entire project as well as during a post evaluation.

Objective 1.

Tailor pre- and post-treatment nano-particle removal separator technology; Develop at least two high-performance CO2-selective (new) membrane modules from previous development work (TRL < 3-4) for low purity CO2 concentration suitable for utilization. For storage purposes develop multi-criteria analyse solvent selection considering improved pre-/post treatment.

Specific Target 1.

Build SepaRaptor units with >80% efficiency removals for pre-& post- treatment and with its use reduce CO” capture transport costs to <25 EUR per ton solvents and membranes. Respectively reducing 10-15% and 20-40% for membranes in OPEX cost; Produce 60m2 commercial-ready membrane module; größer/gleich 2 membranes for Demo’s (TRL 5-7); multi-criteria tool for solvents selection & demonstration of <1 solvent Demo

Objective 2.

To Demonstrate pre-and post-combustion capture solutions with pre- and/or post treatment control, in two industrial sites; Demonstrate flexibility membranes and to achieve quality suitable for storage or utilization; Demonstrated manufacturing scale-up of SepaRaptor.

Specific Target 2.

Includes 100 to 250 m3/h feed, >8% CO2, 20-160°C; demonstrate for >1 year with one site >2 years; 60% CO2 purity. Flexible solutions with full chain CSS(U) investigations (storage, algae, methanol, fertilizer); Field/lab test on mineralization; Manufacturing readiness SepaRaptor to MRL7 with 2000 piezo’s.

Objective 3.

To develop and validate a software decision tool platform by conducting techno-economical, health, risk, safety and social evaluations of CCSU solutions. Include societal tools to create and assess societal readiness.

Specific Target 3.

Complete decision tool by M36 with validated membrane and multi criteria solvent modelling tools; Techno-economic evaluation more than or exactly 2 industrial clusters; Societal evaluation >2.250 filled questionnaires from 2 East and 2 West EU countries.

Objective 4.

To replicate project learnings to all stakeholders; Stimulate tool use and further enrich data; Cooperate with global CCSU community.

Specific Target 4.

To be edited.

Objective 5.

To firmly position the technological solutions and the tool as a sustainable solution. Offering a realistic and competitive new alternative in the CCS(U) market.

Specific Target 5.

To be edited.


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48599 Gronau 


+49 (0) 2562 60022-0
